F-clef ¾  Used J-music store for world wide mail order
  Shipping Area
We mainly ship to 40 countries, on EMS delivery. Here is the EMS areas and shipping cost examples.
EMS is much faster than air mail, and we can check where our customers' purchases are during the process of shipping at any time. (you can too.)
We always want to secure our customers' purchases. We prefer to play for safety raher than cheap, with some risk.
 NOTE: Imoprting music CD's has been treated to be prohibitions in some country of destination. Particularly in some Asian nations. In this case, we can't accept your orders regretly. So, please make sure to inquire into import in your nation by yourself, too.
 Also, we has been afraid, to be denied the EMS delivery in some nations that sounds like due to terrolists attack.
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 Express Mail
Express mail (EMS) guarantees a faster and more secure delivery. It also indemnifies for the amount. It already includes the registered mail charge. The price difference between EMS and regular airmail is only about $1.00-3.00. However, the delivery time for EMS is shorter by approximately half.
 Normal air mail is cheaper, but nobody can keep track of your purchases. And registered-mail charge is not included in normal air mail fee. It means, if it send to wrong place to somewhere, given up for lost.  That's why we ship on EMS delivery.

Example for shipping charge via Express mail
What if the US$ at the time of exchange rate, $1.00 to ¥ 75.00
for example 2CDs for Asia the shipping cost is, ¥1100($14.66)
more informations.
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Tracing percel
If you feel like..."Where is my percel?" or "On shipped?"
Please move to this site and type your invoice number. You can trace by yourself.
Post Office in Japan EMS instant tracing service, please provide your details in english.
©2001-2007 copyright. F-clef¾
 3-6-29 shibatsuji  Nara zip630-8114, Japan

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